Monday, October 16, 2006


So I have been up to a lot lately. I have been pretty busy so I haven't written much.

I went to London...

- I saw the original Alice in Wonderland
- The oldest manuscript of Baowulf
- Stamps from the Stamp Act (It started our revolution, it was a patriotic moment)
- A Gutenberg Bible
- The oldest Bible in the World
- The original Magna Carta
- Tons of 13, 14, 15th century manuscripts.

It was amazing.

I went to the Globe Theater, it was awesome.

Got to see Big Ben, Westminster Abbey, The millennium Bridge, the London Bridge and St. Pauls Cathedral.

Then when I got back, I went to a Museum.
- I looked at some very old amazing paintings, while listening to Ave Maria on my iPod, it sent me back in time pretty much. Haha.
- I was able to touch and read and page through, some 13-15th century Illuminated Manuscripts. It was pretty amazing.

So this weekend, I played in an Ultimate Frisbee Tournament. We ended up 3-4-1 we got 6 out of 12. It was tons of fun. I broke my toe nail, and got a bunch of gym burn, I scored tons of point threw tons of points, and laid out (dove for the frisbee) tons of times. I am sore bruised and totally content with life, haha. It was a great time. Now I am just waking up, it is about 1pm. It was a crappy night of sleep I think I was too tired from the weekend. I need to do some homework, and finish a book I have been reading. I need to eat and get outside sometime too. Well I miss you guys and love you all a lot. If you feel compelled to send me anything feel free; Reese's Peanut butter Cups, brownies, chocolate chip cookies... just an example of the generosity I will accept, and you know money is always a good thing, ok i'll stop being so honest... CYA!!!!


1 comment:

David Andrew Gagne said...

Hey bro, sorry I've been neglecting you! You can catch up a little on my blog, but we need to chat sometime soon. I promise I won't flake this time!